The Atkins factory was located on S. Illinois St. at W. South St. in Indianapolis. Unfortunately, the Atkins saw works was located downtown in a prime redevelopment area near Lucas Oil Stadium, and no known remains of the factory exist today.
If you are looking for guidance on the models of Atkins and Sheffield hand saws, please see the catalog links on the right. Sheffield was Atkins' lower-priced brand name. I am adding scanned catalogs as I get them (last updated Jan. 2022).
1923 catalog |
Atkins saws for sale
Selling Atkins Saws, 1908
Youtube tribute and history
Following is a partial list of Atkins catalogs (most titles are similar so I am giving the basics):
1900 Price Current (pocket size)
1902 Supply Edition
1903 Price Current (pocket size)
1904 Hardware Edition
1906 Hardware Edition
1910 No. 10 (machinery emphasis)
1911 No. 11 Hardware Edition
1914 (not numbered)
1914 No. B2, Braces
1917 No. 17A
1919 No. 18
1921 Supplement to No. 18
1923 No. 19
1928 No. 20
1931 No. 21
1935 No. 21
1937 No. 21
1941 No. 22
1950 No. 23 (printed in separate sections in color, see below)
1959 No. 25 Hardware Catalog

Atkins Band Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Drag Saw Book
Atkins Grinding Wheels and Grinders
Atkins Hack Saw Book
Atkins Hand Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Inserted Tooth Circular Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Machine Knives (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Mill Saws (16-page pamphlet)
Atkins Mill Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Narrow Band Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Saws in the Shop
Atkins Segment Ground Cross-Cut Saws
Atkins Pruning Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Saw Book for Home Craftsmen
Atkins Saw Fitting Tools
Atkins Saws in the Home
Atkins Saws in the Shop: Metal Cutting Saws
Atkins Saws on the Farm
Atkins Sheffield Work-at-Home Saws and Knives for the... Home Workshop
Atkins Silver Steel Cross Cut Saws
Atkins Silver Steel Hacksaw Blades
Atkins Silver Steel Saws Dado Heads, Groovers, Cutters
Atkins Silver Steel Segment Ground Crosscut Saws, Eastern Patterns
Atkins Solid Tooth Circular Saws (Catalog No. 23 1950)
Atkins Time Book
Atkins Tools for the Filing Room
Atkins Trowel Book
Care of Narrow Band and Small Circular Saws
Complete Sharpening Instructions for Your Atkins B-W Saw Chain
Pruning and Pruning Saws
Saws in the Filing Room
Saw Sense (introduced in 1906)
Text Book of Silver Steel Atkins Saws: How to Care for and Use Them for Manual Training Schools
The Atkins Saw Book for Home Craftsmen
The How-To Do-It Book for Home Workshops